
C.B. Baby Emerald Tree Skink

(8 customer reviews)

Original price was: $ 110.Current price is: $ 90.



  • Lamprolepis smaragdina
  • Captive Bred
  • Approximately 3 – 4 Inches In Length
  • Adults Can Grow An Average Of 8 – 9 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
  • Feeding On Crickets, Worms And Other Small Insects


  • These Are Very Fast But Make For A Beautiful Display Animal
  • These Originate From Taiwan, Palawan, Luzon, Sulu, The Philippines, And New Guinea
  • They Can Be More High Strung Than Most Lizards But Do Mellow Out With Consistent Handling
  • Arboreal Species We Recommend Warm Humid Environments With Lots Of Places To Climb And Foliage To Hide

8 reviews for C.B. Baby Emerald Tree Skink

  1. Laila Perry

    Delivered these beautiful pets in California , and they are healthy , been observing them for a month now and i think its time for more

  2. Maximillian Jones

    received very healthy reptiles in Mexico , would buy more especial more skinks , thanks guys ,much love
    highly recommended

  3. Mary Rogers

    Very professional and made sure i was well informed through out the process of getting these snakes. great customer service. These are passionate breeders and i would greatly recommend them. I am in Spain and i have bought reptiles from all over the world , you guys are up there with the best. i must say

  4. Garry

    greatly recommended, i bought some of these lizards from them about a month ago, wanted to wait , observe their health situation before i post this. it was a smooth process from placing the order to shipping and delivery, very transparent as well and most importantly the skinks are healthy and playful

  5. Kravitz Schlepp

    Sehr professionell und sorgte dafür, dass ich während des gesamten Beschaffungsprozesses dieser Skinks gut informiert war

  6. Romeo Raynolds

    Ive been searching online for a while for bunch of reptiles, been a victim to fraudulent breeders a couple of times on instagram and facebook but since i came across you guys as a recommendation from a middle man and partner you guy have been nothing but good and honest business people and we had a lot of transactions together so its but right to give y’all a 5 star review , thanks Ian and the team

  7. Morgan

    My baby skink delivered and on time, talking about the price these are really cheap compared to what’s out there , made me skeptical so i got 1 and they delivered would get more and some other reptiles ,
    highly recommended

  8. Ronda

    This is the best support for a reptile purchase i’ve had so far, they reply quickly and solve your problems . Kudos guys and i just received my skinks

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