- Lamprolepis smaragdina
- Captive Bred
- Approximately 3 – 4 Inches In Length
- Adults Can Grow An Average Of 8 – 9 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
- Feeding On Crickets, Worms And Other Small Insects
- These Are Very Fast But Make For A Beautiful Display Animal
- These Originate From Taiwan, Palawan, Luzon, Sulu, The Philippines, And New Guinea
- They Can Be More High Strung Than Most Lizards But Do Mellow Out With Consistent Handling
- Arboreal Species We Recommend Warm Humid Environments With Lots Of Places To Climb And Foliage To Hide
Laila Perry –
Delivered these beautiful pets in California , and they are healthy , been observing them for a month now and i think its time for more
Maximillian Jones –
received very healthy reptiles in Mexico , would buy more especial more skinks , thanks guys ,much love
highly recommended
Mary Rogers –
Very professional and made sure i was well informed through out the process of getting these snakes. great customer service. These are passionate breeders and i would greatly recommend them. I am in Spain and i have bought reptiles from all over the world , you guys are up there with the best. i must say
Garry –
greatly recommended, i bought some of these lizards from them about a month ago, wanted to wait , observe their health situation before i post this. it was a smooth process from placing the order to shipping and delivery, very transparent as well and most importantly the skinks are healthy and playful
Kravitz Schlepp –
Sehr professionell und sorgte dafür, dass ich während des gesamten Beschaffungsprozesses dieser Skinks gut informiert war
Romeo Raynolds –
Ive been searching online for a while for bunch of reptiles, been a victim to fraudulent breeders a couple of times on instagram and facebook but since i came across you guys as a recommendation from a middle man and partner you guy have been nothing but good and honest business people and we had a lot of transactions together so its but right to give y’all a 5 star review , thanks Ian and the team
Morgan –
My baby skink delivered and on time, talking about the price these are really cheap compared to what’s out there , made me skeptical so i got 1 and they delivered would get more and some other reptiles ,
highly recommended
Ronda –
This is the best support for a reptile purchase i’ve had so far, they reply quickly and solve your problems . Kudos guys and i just received my skinks